Science in the Park 2015


On Saturday 21 March we have come to Wollaton Park to attend Science in the Park event. The organisers promised it to be yet another year of exciting displays and activities for all ages. We’ve come at around 2pm, and stayed until 4pm, till the very last minute, and kids still wanted to do more. So it was very interesting.

So the kids enjoyed doing bacteria, pinhole cameras, looked at the different lights, fed snails, tried to steer the airplane on the simulator and more.

The most exciting and interesting activity was live show “Physics live!” organised by students from the UoN physics department. The students put their heart in the experiments, interacted with auditorium, involved children, made them laugh and learn. Thank you so much!
Designing bacteria

Making bacteria.SiP.2015

Here are some of the experiments from Physics Live!

Exploring the pressure. And the experiment with vacuum canon. It really amazed everyone, despite the first failed attempt.

Vacuum canon


Exploring the properties of sound and the Vortex cannon. That was real fun, children were called out and asked if they can move the polystyrene cups with the force of their shouting. Well…they tried their best, but to no avail :). With the help of the vortex cannon it is was super easy.


vortex cannon


To finish with there were the experiments with liquid nitrogen and highlight of the event – the making a real cloud by combing the liquid nitrogen which is very cold and boiling water. The effect was pretty amazing.




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